Monday, November 30, 2009

My First Blog Post

Well, I've decided to jump on-board the world of blogging! In my search to find new recipes, creative home decorating ideas, and just catching up with friends... I found I love blogs!

I've been sitting here the past 30 minutes obsessing over headers and layouts - whew, you'd think this stuff would come easy to a computer geek. I've decided to give up on the prettiness for now and just get a feel for adding.

I've been reading for the past couple months now... and for those that know me, you know I don't read, well, except maybe the phone book! I'm not sure exactly how my new hobby started, but I was searching the local library for a book on decluttering, or maybe home organization and had a suggestive subject word pop up that read "Simplify" - ahha! YES! That is exactly what I want to do, simplify, EVERYWHERE!! I went that afternoon and checked out a few books. These were journals of women going down the same path I wanted to head down... living life to the fullest, gratitude, and the "all we have is all we need" principal. The first one I read was Product Image Simple Days: A Journal on What Really Matters by Marlene A. Schiwy

It was a really fun read, and that is coming from me, the non reader! Then I moved onto Simple Abundance - A Daybook of Comfort and Joy. I will admit, I ended up ordering this one online because I couldn't get through it in the maximum 8 weeks the library will let you have a book checked out!

From then on out I discovered the "suggestions" that has and found many, many other books that looked just wonderfully interesting and right up my alley! One of the many is the Farm Chicks in the Kitchen. It was checked out at our local library, and I wanted it NOW! I called my mom who is a librarian in another town and she hooked me up with their copy. Tonight, I tried one of the soup recipes for supper and it was a hit with the family. A Tortellini and Italian Sausage Soup - YUM on this cold evening with plenty of leftovers for Allen and I tomorrow. I have to say, I'm loving these books with stories, journals, and recipes - go figure! Any suggestions, send them my way! Looking forward to joining the online blogging world!